Thursday, April 16, 2015

Dubbity Dubstep


Today I'm talking about Dubstep.  For the few who don't know, Dubstep is a genre of Electronic music.  One of its key defining features is the drop, which occurs around the beginning of the song.  There can be several drops in a song.

Here's an example of a song.  See if you can identify the drop.
 Need a hint?  Hear how the music builds up before the climactic drum beat, which leads to an intensifying of the music?  That's a drop.

Dubstep just has the right sound, the right atmosphere, that's what makes our generation enjoy it so much.

That's all for now, but check out some of these notable Dubstep songs:


Monday, April 13, 2015

Let's Talk About Linux

So what is Linux?  Well, to answer myself, Linux is an operating system like Windows or OS X.  The difference is that Linux is free.  Not a cent.  Zippo.  Zilch.  That makes it possible for anyone to get Linux.  It also runs on almost any computer.  Even that old laptop that you bought 10 years ago, the one sitting in the closet....  You know the one I'm talkin' about.  Put Linux on it, an I bet it'll be a speed demon.

So you've seen the picture above.  As you may have guessed, that is the desktop of Yours Truly.  But Linux isn't limited to looking just like that, oh no.  Here are a few other Linux desktops:

As you can see, Linux desktops come in all shapes, sizes and colors.  Customization is key in Linux.  You can make it the way you want it.  No one-size-fits-all standard desktop like the other OS'es.

At the risk of sounding like an infomercial, try Linux today, you won't regret it!

Find more info about at: The Linux Website

That's all for now!


Thursday, April 9, 2015


Vacations.  Why do we leave the comfort of our homes and normal lives to partake of them?  Is it that we are so bored of our everyday routines?  That we crave something different?  Do we wish to use this time away from the norm to reconnect with family?  Who knows?

To now state the obvious subject of this post, my vacation to Florida was quite enjoyable, though I was sick for much of the time.  It was nice to escape the 15 degree weather of my native Ohio for a week.  As an added bonus, I got to spend Easter 20 minutes from the beach, and 5 minutes from a pool.  I also traveled to an island park in the middle of Sarasota bay.  Since I was quite near a large city, I noticed some exquisite (and expensive) cars, which made me happy.

That's all for now.
