Monday, March 23, 2015

Looky Here! I've got a blog!

I think this blog will become a hodgepodge of random thoughts, ideas, and other stuff.  It might be a success, it might not. All I know is, I've got things to say, and quite a few of 'em. So why not share with the interwebs?

Let's start off with a lil' bit about me. I quite enjoy many things, chiefly among them music. Electronic music more specifically. You know, stuff like Dubstep, Electronica, House, etc. I hope to one day make my own music to rival that of Skrillex, Deadmau5, and maybe even Moby, though that may be a tall order.

Another one of my interests is the realm of Linux. For those who don't know about it (and I don't blame you if you don't), Linux is an operating system like Windows or OS X, but it is controllable and free. I'm sure that as time passes, I'll get more into this vast subject.

And also, like about half of the internet, I like Minecraft. I doubt many are surprised, judging by my profile pic.

One more thing. I am an avid Whovian, Sherlockian (Is that even the term?), and Lego fan.

That's about it for now.


See ya.

Go away.

Why aren't you leaving?

This post is over!